Join the Clip to Impact Movement

You are here because you are someone special! I created the first social entreprise in a war torn country (who’s name I cannot mention on any digital platform or internet as my site will be brought down) while families mostly women and children were fleeing heavy bombardments, they just had time to pick up whatever they could pick up aside from their children before their homes and entire neighbourhoods were destroyed. Most women had 6th education some cannot read or write, all have never worked before and had no previous know how in hand work or production. With severe sanctions that prevent the smallest economic transactions, total ban on banks and any ecommerce or digital platform including all social media promotions tool, restrictions on imports of any raw materials necessary for production, total ban on receiving and or sending money, total ban on life saving medicines and no fuel to heat during cold or cool during scorching summer heat, no electricity to power fridge to store food or simply charge mobiles or computers, total embargo on Airport and the list goes on… all this in addition to the ongoing war and subsequent continued depletion of human and cultural Asbests have produced some of the worse living conditions on the planet. Inspite of all that I have trained thousands of women in hand work and today have 3 workshops in different cities providing for 150 women. Our Swiss based association Supported by United Nations and The Geneva state has suffered massively during covid restrictions that brought a halt to global economy that put us and many Small businesses out of business and brought our revenue to 0 in 2021. During that year my dog fell very ill with a life threatening condition that even specialists in Bern said it’s a 50% chance he would not survive. My friends stepped in to help through a gofundme campaign I created to save my dog. Gofundme then confiscated the entirety of the amount collected. Later in 2022 as we were painfully gradually restoring sales revenues while restrictions loosened up and economy started coming back beginning 2023 major earthquake shook the entire country followed by relentless Israeli bombardments that blew up our windows while  we scrambled to help those under the rubble and their families that fled to different parts and needed immediate assistance housing, food and life saving medicine, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer  and now since a year going down the cancer spiral looking for solutions after all hospitals in the canton said there were none.

Consequently I have not been able to generate the required amount of sales to sustain our workshops and the women. So I have created an online movement called clip to impact to reach the maximum number of people to support our brand, to join please follow these steps:

  1. Make a purchase on
  2. take a picture of yourself wearing your RK item and post it on social media.
  3. hashtag #clip2impact #resilienceinconflictzone
  4. mention 2 of your besties to do the same!

as a token of appreciation I’m offering a 10% discount to all you joining the movement, simply enter clip2impact in promo code section when you checkout.

thank you!
